Map/New York/Jackson Heights

Jackson Heights personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,465

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

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Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $2000
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings

Jackson Heights

Jackson Heights in Queens, NY, is celebrated for its cultural diversity, vibrant immigrant communities, and as the birthplace of garden apartments. Boasting rich history and delicious global cuisine, it's a melting pot of Latin American, South Asian, and Tibetan cultures, marked by the annual Queens Pride Parade and multilingual signage. Recognized for its historic district and green spaces, Jackson Heights offers a unique blend of suburban calm and urban energy.

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energy icon


In Jackson Heights, NY, strides have been made to improve energy efficiency. The community has seen an increase in the installation of energy-efficient appliances and lighting in residential and commercial buildings. Several buildings have opted for LED lighting retrofits and energy-efficient HVAC systems, often subsidized by state incentives. Solar panel installations have been on the rise, with local initiatives encouraging their adoption through financial incentives and streamlined permitting processes. The area has also seen a push for improved building insulation to reduce heating and cooling demands. Initiatives like the NY-Sun Incentive Program and the Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offer grants and loans to encourage energy efficiency upgrades. Energy performance benchmarking is becoming a norm for larger buildings, helping to identify energy wastage and drive improvements. Local community groups have organized information sessions to educate residents about the benefits of reducing energy consumption and how to leverage state-funded programs.

energy icon


Jackson Heights has implemented measures to enhance water efficiency and conservation. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) actively promotes water efficiency through the distribution of water-saving kits, which include low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. Residential buildings are increasingly adopting water-efficient fixtures and dual-flush toilets. The DEP's Leak Notification Program alerts property owners to potential leaks, preventing water waste. There has been an emphasis on green infrastructure to manage stormwater and reduce the burden on the sewage system, including the installation of rain gardens and permeable pavements. Education on the importance of conserving water is widespread, with local schools participating in awareness programs. The neighborhood participates in the city's water challenge programs, aiming to reduce water consumption. In addition, the installation of automated meter reading (AMR) devices has helped to provide real-time water use data, encouraging residents to track and reduce their water footprint.

energy icon


Jackson Heights has taken several measures to improve transportation efficiency and reduce vehicle emissions. The neighborhood benefits from a robust public transportation network, with frequent subway and bus service offering residents alternatives to driving. Efforts have been made to increase the safety and attractiveness of walking and cycling through the creation of dedicated bike lanes and pedestrian zones. The city's bike-share program, Citi Bike, has multiple stations in the area, providing an eco-friendly transport option. There has been an uptick in the use of electric vehicles (EVs), supported by the installation of EV charging stations. Local initiatives promote car-sharing services to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. The neighborhood participates in the city's car-free events to encourage sustainable transport choices. Furthermore, traffic-calming measures have been implemented to reduce congestion and improve air quality. Emphasis on transport efficiency is further seen in the support for telecommuting and flexible work options to decrease peak-time travel demand.

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Waste management in Jackson Heights has become more efficient thanks to the adoption of comprehensive recycling programs and the promotion of waste reduction strategies. The area has made significant progress in diverting waste from landfills by enhancing recycling services and composting programs. There are now increased opportunities for residents to dispose of organic waste through community composting initiatives. The Department of Sanitation provides clear guidelines and resources for recycling, which has helped to increase participation rates among residents. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize packaging and use recyclable materials. Educational campaigns by non-profit organizations have focused on reducing single-use plastics and proper sorting of recyclables to prevent contamination. The city has also implemented e-waste recycling events and safe disposal sites for hazardous household materials. These efforts are supported by regulations that require large waste generators to separate organics for beneficial use.